Jira Tickets Policy

In this article we will review how to create policy rules for generating Jira tickets automatically by a certain criteria

As explained in the defect and task articles, Jira tickets can be created or attached manually for the different elements in Enso. Nevertheless, automating the Jira creation process can make your work more efficient by reducing some of the triaging overhead.


To use the Create Jira Ticket action in a policy rule, the Jira connector must be configured first.

Steps to configure the Jira connector:

  • Open the connectors screen

  • Click on the Marketplace button

  • Enter Jira in the search box

  • Click Add on the Jira connector

  • Fill in the following parameters:

    • API Token - Jira API access token, instructions for creating a new token here

    • User Email - Jira user email address

    • Host URL - Jira organization URL

  • Once all details are inserted, click Done

  • The Jira connector will now try to connect, verify to get a green Connected result

Create Jira Ticket Policy Action

The policy rules allow to automatically create Jira tickets for the selected criteria of assets, defects or tasks. The Create Jira Ticket action defines where the tickets should be opened and all the other data fields.

Let's review how to configure the desired Jira ticket creation.

Fill-in the following fields:

  • Project key - the Jira project key to populate the new issue (mandatory field)

  • Ticket Type - the issue type, as configured in Jira (mandatory field)

  • Assignee (Email) - the issue's assignee email address, if not specified the new issue will be unassigned (assuming there's no predefined assignment automation)

  • Other Fields -

    • Specify default values for the issue fields.

    • Note that if the issue type has required fields, those must be defined in the JSON scope. Otherwise, the issue cannot be created.

    • The action automatically populates the Summary and Description fields with default values from Enso.

    • In case you choose to specify a different Summary/Description in the box below, it will be added as a prefix to Enso default.

When adding a single select custom fields, the value of the field should be an object. For example, let's assume I'll want to select the value "Yes" that exists in a drop-down list. To do that I'll mention the custom field by id and specify the desired value as an object: "customfield_XXXXX":{"value":"Yes"}

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