Connectors & Marketplace

Enso Standalone marketplace is a one-stop-shop for all relevant integrations. The integrations are required to populate Enso with data from SCM's, DNS and cloud management, scanners and much more

Accessing the marketplace is done from the connectors page. The available connectors are presented in alphabetic order and can be filtered using the search box or by selecting specific connector categories.

Connectors configuration

Execution schedule

Connectors that are executed by Enso (mainly ones that fetch assets and the built-in scanners) have a default execution schedule. The frequency of execution is changing between the various controls, for example SCM's executes few times a day, while built-in scanners usually are being executed once a week. You can either use the default schedule or decide to create your own scheduling policy.

Removing the connector's default schedule is also required in case that you want to scan only specific assets

To create your own scheduling policy, uncheck the default schedule option and build a new policy rules.

Steps for building the scheduling policy:

  • Go to policy page

  • Create new policy and select assets

  • Add filters and operators to indicate what assets should be scanned

To scan all available assets, filter by asset type and select all relevant types according to the scanner's functionality

  • Add run scan action

    • Select the relevant controls to be executed (notice that Enso can only executes the built-in scanners or scanners that granted the relevant permissions)

    • Specify the schedule according to the expected scanning frequency

  • Save the policy

  • Click simulate and that the filter step retrieves the expected number of assets to be scanned

Profiles management

Each connector can be configured to run on more than one profile. This is very helpful when you wish to fetch data from a few instances within the same source. This is mostly relevant for SCM's (e.g Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, etc.) and cloud management services (e.g AWS services, Azure Cloud, etc.).

Steps for adding a new profile:

  1. Click on the connector settings icon

  2. Click Add profile

  3. Fill the connector's fields and click Done

Last updated