Defect Life Cycle

This article describes the defect statuses and explains the circumstances of status transitions

All defects in Enso begin their life-cycle in status “Open”, from this point the status can move to any of the other statuses either by manual action, policy rule or system design.

Manual actions

See below a diagram that illustrates the typical status flow when handling defects manually:

Policy rules

Users can define policy rules that will change multiple defects’ status based on a predefined filter. Such active policy rules execute behind the scene and impact all the available defects. Changing defects’ status as part of a policy is especially useful for reducing noise of irrelevant defects (based on their description, control and more).

System design

Enso is designed to integrate with any scanner in the market or even self-developed. To allow such a wide range of integrations and in efforts to increase accuracy of results, Enso is designed to move defects’ status to fixed if the defects don’t reappear in the next scan.

External scanners’ status

As mentioned above, Enso is designed to work with multiple scanners in parallel, while some of the scanners can be external to Enso.

As a rule of thumb, we recommend maintaining the defects’ status in Enso, as a single source of truth for the defects’ status.

This practice should also be more efficient for users, as they won’t have to maintain statuses of different scanners in different platforms.

Last updated